Graduate Assistantships and Student Workers FAQs
Can Graduate Assistants and student workers still access student records, or share them internally for legitimate educational purposes?
- All Mason employees, including faculty, staff, graduate assistants, student workers, or contractors doing work on the behalf of Mason can continue to access student contact information in the course of fulfilling their necessary job duties and responsibilities.
- Please use your official Mason email for all work related communications.
Can a student be required to share their email, phone number or address?
- No. If this creates problems due to program requirements, and a student does not wish to provide consent, contact the Office of the University Registrar for assistance.
Can students voluntarily share their emails with other students?
- Students may voluntarily share their mailing address, email address, or phone number with other students, but cannot be required to share this information.
Do graduate research assistants, teaching assistants, or other student workers need to provide consent before I share their contact information with other students?
- Students do not need to provide consent is they are using their official Mason employee email address, which ends in
- If the student does not have a email address, a departmental (generic) email can be used (Example:, or the studetn can choose to provide affirmative written consent to have their student email shared for work purposes.
- GRA, TA, and other student worker contact information should not be released without consent when they are not acting in their employee capacities.
What if I have further questions?
If you have additional questions regarding Code of Virginia section 23.1-405(C), contact the FERPA Compliance Office in the Office of the Registrar at