My section did not get scheduled in a classroom and it cannot be placed on the Technology Wait List and scheduled in a general classroom. What should I do?
Posted: July 10, 2017 at 2:04 pm
You will need to change your time block or lower your maximum enrollment in order to get scheduled in a technology classroom. If you would like to change your time block or change your maximum enrollment, please indicate 1st and 2nd choice time blocks and the lowest max enrollment in the Internal Notes field. For Fall 2017, there are only 7:30am and Friday
**For Fall 2017, there are only 7:30am and Friday timeblocks available in technology classrooms.
PLEASE NOTE: A high percentage of the sections placed on the Technology Wait List (TWL) are moved into a technology classroom if they are scheduled during a standard time block. We are also working with ITS and Facilities to update our general classrooms over Summer 2017 so I should have an update on the status of that project in the next few months.
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