VA Benefits – Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment)

Posted: July 16, 2013 at 10:48 am, Last Updated: December 17, 2013 at 10:41 am

To begin the transition to George Mason University, contact Military Services ( or 703.993.1316) located in the Johnson Center on the Fairfax Campus.

After a student receives admission to the university, the VA case manager contacts Military Services at with the student’s authorization (VA Form 28-1905) to use Chapter 31 benefits.

Military Services will provide a list of eligible Chapter 31 students to the bookstore, parking, and student accounts. These offices will bill VA directly so students do not pay.

Students can purchase required textbooks listed in the class syllabus and up to $45.00 in expendable school supplies per term. Students should inform the bookstore that they are on the veteran list and that VA is billed for their purchases.

Students should contact parking services to obtain a parking permit if needed. Students should again inform parking that they are on the veteran list and that VA is billed for their parking.

Since VA only pays for classes that are required for a student’s approved degree program, students should carefully review their degree audit on Patriot Web and work closely with their academic advisor to be sure all registered classes apply to their degree requirements.

After registration is finalized, students should submit an online Veteran Registration Reporting Form (VRRF) also available from the Military Services website. The VRRF prompts the university to submit an enrollment certification to VA which is required to start VA benefit payments for the term.

The university sends official communications only to your Mason email account. Check your account often and use it anytime you communicate with the university.

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