Enrollment and Degree Verification
Parents can obtain the same verification of enrollment for a dependent student at a nominal cost directly from the National Student Clearinghouse. The university does not provide verification services directly to parents or other third parties.
Student Privacy
We recognize that parents provide a great deal of financial and emotional support to their children while they are students at George Mason University.
However, we must balance this recognition with the fact that Mason students are legally adults and their legal rights must be fully respected. We cannot discuss your student’s information without the written permission of the student.
For more information on Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), please go to the FERPA @ Mason page.
FAQs for Parents
A parent who presents a valid power of attorney executed by a student may request and receive records held by the Office of the Registrar, on behalf of that student.
Email address and major information for students is available via the Mason People Finder.
George Mason University does not mail grades to students or to their parents. Grades are available for students to view online through Patriot Web. Students wishing to share their grades with their parents can submit a request for a transcript, which then will be mailed to an address of their choice.
Under FERPA, when a student reaches 18 years of age or enrolls at a postsecondary institution such as George Mason University, the rights afforded to the parents of a student automatically transfer to the student. Mason does not release non-directory information unless a student has provided consent, the release is to the parent of a dependent student, as required by § 23.1-1303.B.5 of the Code of Virginia, or the disclosure meets a qualified exception under FERPA.