How can I view what changes were previously approved for a course?

Posted: September 1, 2017 at 3:14 pm

If the change was made and approved in CIM (September 2017 or later), you can view the course’s history in CIM.

  1. Go to Course Admin.
  2. Search for the course.
  3. Select it from the results menu. The results will display. If any changes were made to the course in CIM, you will see a box to the right of the course details titled History.  Each numbered entry listed in this area will correspond to a course proposal which was approved. Select on of the entries to see the full details of that approved proposal.

If the change was made and approved before CIM was implemented, digital copies of all course approval forms are on file and attached to the course in INB (Banner). Contact your college catalog contact to request to see those archived forms.

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