Academic Common Market
Posted: April 12, 2013 at 4:49 pm, Last Updated: July 26, 2016 at 2:11 pm
Effective Spring 2015, George Mason University intends to withdraw from participation in the Academic Common Market program. As such, we will no longer admit new students through the ACM program. Students already enrolled will be allowed to complete their current programs. As per our standard semester state certification deadline, the last date that students will be able to submit certification for a Fall 2014 admission will be December 17, 2014.
Steps for Student Participation
- Student contacts the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) or the ACM coordinator from their home state (Academic Common Market – Virginia) to determine eligible programs.
- Student applies for admission to George Mason University, and is accepted as a full-time degree seeking student in a specified ACM-approved undergraduate or graduate degree program with a regular (not provisional, probationary or non-degree) admission status.
- Student applies for certification of residency through their home state coordinator.
- The home state coordinator then certifies the student as a resident and notifies the student and Mason by issuing a State Certificate for ACM. Mason’s Office of the University Registrar must receive the student’s State Certificate prior to the end of the semester for which the student seeks eligibility. It must include the specific semester of eligibility. Mason will not apply ACM benefits retroactively for certificates received after the specified term has ended.
- Once notified by the home state coordinator, Mason will then grant waiver for out-of-state fees.
Requirements to Qualify and Retain Eligibility for ACM Benefits
Students must be accepted as a full-time degree seeking student in a specified ACM-approved undergraduate or graduate degree program with a regular (not provisional, probationary or non-degree) admission status.
Students must be continuously enrolled full-time as of the last day to add courses as stated in the university catalog (applies only to fall and spring semesters)
- Students not enrolled full-time as above will be immediately terminated from ACM participation at Mason, their tuition charges will immediately revert to out-of-state for the term, and they will be responsible for paying the full out-of-state charges. Late schedule adjustments will not be sufficient to reinstate the ACM benefit; recertification from the home state will be required as described below.
Students cannot exceed the minimum credit hours (including thesis or dissertation) needed to complete the approved degree or they will be removed from the program and assessed tuition at the out-of state rate on all future coursework.
Students must maintain satisfactory progress toward their degree as well as be continuously enrolled and full time. Satisfactory progress includes but is not limited to meeting all degree time limits per the University Catalog.
Students must maintain their residency in the certifying state throughout their academic program.
- ACM students are considered out-of-state domiciles whose tuition bills default to out-of-state.
- Students must maintain their permanent address in that state.
- Students must inform the Office of the University Registrar immediately if their state residency, or that of the person on whom they are dependent, has changed.
- Any ACM student who applies for Virginia in-state tuition privileges immediately gives up ACM eligibility, whatever the outcome of the in-state application.
- For applicants seeking in-state tuition privileges, the 12 month period of domiciliary intent cannot overlap or coincide with ACM seeking in-state tuition privileges; the 12 month period of domiciliary intent cannot overlap or coincide with ACM status, since they are mutually exclusive benefits.
Students suspended, dismissed, or terminated from their academic degree program will be removed from the program and assessed tuition at the out-of state rate on all future coursework, and may not resume studies through the ACM.
Re-admission to ACM program
- Students eliminated from the ACM must seek recertification through their home state.
- Students eliminated for failure to maintain full-time status must seek recertification through their home state and will only be allowed reentry into the program on one occasion.
- Students suspended, dismissed, or terminated from their academic degree program may not resume studies through the ACM, even if they are recertified through their home state.
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