How do I modify a course number?

Posted: October 24, 2024 at 1:59 pm

  • If the course you are trying to modify is still active, you must submit a proposal to Deactivate the current number, and then create a proposal to create a New course under the new number.
  • When creating the New course under the new number, you do not have to recreate all the course details. Instead:
    1. Select Propose New Course.
    2. A new course form will display. Select the Propose New from Existing Course button, located on the top right of the display.
    3. The course-picker pop-up will display. You may either use the top drop-down menus for college/department to filter for the course, or you may enter the course directly into the Quick Add field. You must enter the subject prefix in all-caps. Select Add Course when you are done.
    4. All of the course details will populate in the course form. You must still fill in the Course Number field with the new proposed number.
    5. You should fully review all the course details before saving or submitting your proposal to workflow.

Note: If the course number you’d like to reuse belongs to a Deactivated course, you may not reuse the number until five years have passed. If you are certain that five years have passed and CIM is still not allowing you use that course number, contact the Registrar’s Office.

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