Special Grades

Posted: April 15, 2013 at 4:29 pm, Last Updated: September 24, 2024 at 11:38 am

Please review the Final Grades page and the University Catalog for grading policies and procedures.

Grade Description
AB (Absent from the Final Exam) A temporary grade of AB may be given to students with prior approval of their dean/director to be absent from the final examination. A final grade of AB will convert to F after the ten day make-up period unless a grade change is submitted.
AU (Audit) In order to receive a grade of AU, students (unless they are a part of the Senior Citizen Waiver Program) are required to submit a Course Audit form. This form requires instructor permission.  A student who is auditing is under no academic obligation to participate in the course, even to the level of attendance. Audit does not award academic credit, nor does it calculate into a student’s grade point average.  The grade of AU will be programmatically assigned after the Audit deadline.
HC (Honor Code) Use this grade if an honor code violation is suspected and will be filed with the Dean of Students (Office of University Life).  A special code NR (Not Reported) will appear on the student’s record. After recommendation from the Honor Committee, a Change of Grade form must be submitted by the instructor to award a final grade.
IN (Incomplete) You may assign a grade of incomplete only if the student meets the catalog requirements for this grade. The University Catalog states: “The grade of IN may be given to a student who is passing a course but who may be unable to complete scheduled course work for a cause beyond reasonable control.” An incomplete is a contract between the instructor and the student and should not be given unless pre-arranged. The instructor will enter the student’s current grade at the time of Final Grade submission. Work must be completed at the latest by the end of the ninth week of the next semester (not including Summer Term) in accordance with the Academic Calendar. Instructors may require a shorter deadline. If the student submits missing coursework and their grade will be different than initially submitted, the instructor must submit a Change of Grade form.
NA (Never Attended) Use if the student never attended the course.
SA (Stopped Attending) Use if the student stopped attending the course.  You must give the last date of attendance in the ‘Last Attend Date’ field.   SA is an internal notation. The grade of F will appear on the student’s transcript.
W (Withdrawal) If a student has been granted permission to withdraw and the withdrawal has been processed, you will see the grade of W recorded for the student on your roster. Withdrawals are given administratively and are not always granted.

Incomplete (IN) vs In Progress (IP)

An IN (Incomplete) computes punitively and has the same value as an F.  It restricts the amount of time a student has to complete the course work and will automatically change to an incomplete final grade if a grade change is not submitted by the deadline date.  A grade of IN should be given only in situations where the student, for reasons beyond their control, is not able to complete the coursework within the normal time span of the course.

An IP (In Progress) is appropriate for courses in which the student is expected to continue to develop their research, writing or project until a future semester, such as for a thesis or dissertation, a practicum or internship.  The IP grade is available only for limited, pre-approved courses, most at the graduate level. If IP has been approved for use, it will be one of the grades available on the ‘GRADE’ drop down menu on Patriot Web.  Students in courses that require continuous registration must be continuously graded as IP at the end of each term of enrollment except the last when a final grade must be submitted.

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