Subject Codes

Posted: April 12, 2013 at 4:52 pm, Last Updated: July 12, 2024 at 10:06 am

This is a list of all subject codes in alphabetical order used at Mason. Not all subject codes are currently active.

This table is maintained for purposes of preserving historical records.

Subject Code Description Currently Active?
ACCT Accounting Y
ADEC Associate Degree Elect Credit N
ADJ Administration of Justice N
AE Academic English N
AFAM African & Af-American Studies Y
AG American Government (1960s) N
AI AI Cert Programs N
AII AI Innovation Y
AIT Applied Information Technology Y
AMGT Arts Management Y
AMST American Studies N
ANTH Anthropology Y
APMA Applied Mathmatics (UVA) N
ARAB Arabic Y
ARCH Architecture (1960s) N
ARCT Architecture (VA Tech) N
ARIN Interdisciplinary Arts N
ARTH Art History Y
ARTS Art Studio N
ASP Admin Support Professional N
ASST Asian Studies N
ASTR Astronomy Y
ATEP Athletic Training Educ Program Y
ATHL Athletics N
AVT Art and Visual Technology Y
BAC Business Analysis Certificate N
BAIS BA in Interdisciplinary Study N
BAS BA in Applied Science Y
BCB Bioinformatics & Comp Biology N
BDA Business Data Analytics N
BDEC Bachelor Degree Elect Credit N
BEHV Behavior Analysis Y
BENG Bioengineering Y
BIMR Biomedical Research Y
BINF Bioinformatics Y
BIO Biodefense N
BIOD Biodefense Y
BIOL Biology Y
BIOS Biosciences Y
BIS Bachelor Individualized Study Y
BMED Biomedical Sciences Y
BMGT Business Management Y
BUAD Business Administration N
BULE Business Legal Studies Y
BUS Business Y
BW Business of Wine N
CAPP Computer Applications N
CART Cartography N
CAS Humanities & Social Sciences N
CAST Canadian Studies N
CCEO Chief Customer Exp Officer N
CCMP Change Management Y
CDO Chief Data Officer N
CDS Computatnl and Data Sciences Y
CEC Coll Engineering & Computing Y
CEIE Civil and Infrastructure Engr Y
CFG Contracting w/Federal Govt N
CFP Certified Financial Planner N
CFRS Computer Forensics Y
CHEM Chemistry Y
CHIN Chinese Y
CHSS College Humanities/Social Sci Y
CIA Certified Internal Audit Prog N
CJSM Criminal Justice Seminar N
CL Comparative Literature Y
CLAS Classics Y
CLIM Climate Dynamics Y
CLO Chief Learning Officer Program N
CM Construction Management Y
CMA Crime Mapping and Analysis N
COMC Community College Education N
COMM Communication Y
COMP Computing Y
COMR Commerce (1960s) N
CONF Conflict Analysis & Resolution Y
CONS Conservation Studies Y
COR Contracting Officers Rep Prgm N
CORE General Education Core Program N
COS College of Science Y
CPET Continuing & Prof Educ Topics N
CPM Certified Public Manager Prgm N
CPO Chief Procurement Officer N
CRIM Criminology Y
CRO Chief Risk Officer Program N
CS Computer Science Y
CSCP Certified Supply Chain Profsnl N
CSI Computational Sci& Informatics Y
CSS Computational Social Science Y
CTAO Chief Talent Officer Program N
CTCH College Teaching N
CTP Certified Treasury Professionl N
CULT Cultural Studies Y
CVPA College of Visual & Perf Arts Y
CWBO Chief Well-Being Officer N
CYSE Cyber Security Engineering Y
DAED Doctoral Studies in Education N
DAEN Data Analytics Engineering Y
DANC Dance Y
DBIA Design-Build Institute of Amer N
DESC Decision Sciences N
DFOR Digital Forensics Y
DRAM Drama N
DRAW Engineering Drawing (1960s) N
DSGN Design Y
EAP English for Academic Purposes Y
EC Electronic Commerce N
ECE Electrical & Computer Enginrg Y
ECED Early Childhood Education Y
ECON Economics Y
EDAE Alternative Education N
EDAL Adult Education N
EDAS Administration and Supervision N
EDAT Assistive Technology Y
EDCC Community College Education N
EDCD Counseling and Development Y
EDCE Character Education Y
EDCI Curriculum and Instruction Y
EDEP Educational Psychology Y
EDGC Counseling and Development N
EDGO ed2o Online Courses N
EDHR Human Resource Development N
EDIT Educ Instructional Technology Y
EDLE Education Leadership Y
EDPD Professional Developmnt in Edu Y
EDPO Education Policy Y
EDRD Reading Y
EDRS Education Research Y
EDSE Special Education Y
EDSP School Psychology N
EDUC Education Y
EDUT Education – UTEEM Y
EEP Enterprise Engineering &Policy N
EFHP Exercise Fitness/Hlth Promotn Y
EGR Engineering (1960’s) N
EIP Early Identification Program N
ELED Elementary Education Y
ELI English Language Institute N
EMBA Executive MBA Y
ENGH English Y
ENGL English N
ENGR Engineering Y
EOS Earth Observing and Systems N
ESS Earth Systems Science N
EUST European Studies N
EVPP Environ Science and Policy Y
EVSC Environmental Science N
EXCL Exclude from Degree N
EXSC Exercise Science Y
EXSH Exercise Science and Health N
FAIR Factor Analysis Info Risk Cert N
FAVS Film and Video Studies Y
FEXT Forensics Extemporaneous N
FINT Forensics Interpretation N
FM Facilities Management N
FNAN Finance Y
FNCE Finance and Accounting N
FOLK Folklore Studies Y
FORA Forensics Oratory N
FREN French Y
FRLN Foreign Language Y
FRNA Foreign Affairs (1960s) N
FROR dnu fresh or N
FRSC Forensic Science Y
GAME Computer Game Design Y
GATL Gatlin Online Courses N
GBUS Graduate School of Business Y
GCH Global and Community Health Y
GCP Global Commerce and Policy Y
GE General English N
GECA Geographic & Cartographic Sci N
GENL General N
GEOC Global Education Office Y
GEOG Geography Y
GEOL Geology Y
GERM German Y
GGS Geography & Geoinformation Sci Y
GHS General and Health Sciences N
GIS Geographic Information Systems N
GLOA Global Affairs Y
GOVT Government Y
GREE Greek N
GS General Studies (1960’s) N
GSOM Graduate School of Management N
H English (UVA) N
HAP Health Administration & Policy Y
HCS Health Care Science (GWU) N
HDFS Human Developmnt & Family Sci Y
HE Higher Education Y
HEAL Health Y
HEBR Hebrew Y
HHS Health and Human Services Y
HIST History Y
HNRS Honors College Y
HNRT Honors College (Science/Math) Y
HRM Human Resource Management N
HSCI Health Science N
HSEC Homeland Security N
HUM Humanities (Transfer) N
IB3 Biosciences, Bioinfo, Biotech N
IETT Institute/Educ Transformation N
IMA Certified Managemnt Accountant N
INDV Individualized Study N
INFS Information Systems Y
INFT Information Technology N
INTL International Transactions N
INTS Integrative Studies Y
INYO International Year One Y
IREL International Relations (1960) N
IRM Information Resource Mgmt N
IS International Security N
ISA Information Security Assurance Y
ISM Information Security Mgmt Y
IT Information Technology Y
ITAL Italian Y
ITRN International Commerce/Policy Y
JAPA Japanese Y
JLCP Justice, Law, Crime Policy N
JOUR Journalism N
KINE Kinesiology Y
KORE Korean Y
LABS Lab Science (Transfer) N
LAC Language Arts and Culture N
LAS Latin American Studies Y
LATN Latin Y
LAWQ Law (Quarter Calendar) N
LCCS Leadership Comm Cert Series N
LCOP Ldrshp Coaching and Org Perf N
LHL Lighthouse Labs Y
LING Linguistics Y
LINK Linked Courses N
LOGS Logistics N
LREG Undergrad Leave of Absence N
LRNG Learning N
LS Liberal Studies N
LSCI Library Science (CUA) N
MAIS Interdisciplinary Studies Y
MAM Arts Management N
MATH Mathematics Y
MBA MBA–Interdisciplinary Y
MBI Molecular Bioscience/Informtcs N
MBTI Molecular Bioscience/Technolgy N
MBUS Minor in Business Y
MCCS Mason Ctr Conservation Studies N
MDEV Management and Development N
ME Mechanical Engineering Y
MECH Mechanical Engineering (1960s) N
MEIS Middle East/Islamic Studies Y
MEST Middle East Studies N
MGMT Management Y
MIS Management Information Systems Y
MKTG Marketing Y
MLAB Medical Laboratory Science Y
MLSC Military Science Y
MNPE Masters in New Prof Studies N
MNPS Masters in New Prof Studies Y
MODV Mgmt and Organizational Devel N
MPAS MPA Statistics N
MSA Models Simulations DoD Acquis N
MSBA MS Business Analytics Y
MSBM Bioscience Management N
MSEC Mgmt of Secure Info Systems Y
MSF Master of Science in Finance Y
MSIS Business Mgmt Secure Info Syst Y
MSOM Minor in Business Y
MSU Moscow State University N
MTCH Medical Technology N
MUSI Music Y
NAIS Native Amer/Indigenous Studies Y
NANO Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Y
NCLC New Century Lrng Communities N
NEUR Neuroscience Y
NSCI Neuroscience (Undergraduate) N
NUPE Nursing Professional Education N
NURS Nursing Y
NUTR Nutrition and Food Studies Y
ODKM Organiztn Dev & Knowledge Mgt Y
OM Operations Management Y
ONCR Degree Audit-Regist Use Only N
OR Operations Research Y
ORIE Orientation N
OSCM Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt Y
PDED Profession Devel in Education N
PEDU Phys Ed (1960’s) N
PEHH Profess Educ Health/Human Svcs N
PEKR Krasnow – OCPE CEU Courses N
PELS Learning Solutions CEU Courses Y
PEPO Provost – OCPE CEU Courses N
PERS Persian Y
PH Public Health Y
PHAR Pharmacy (GWU) N
PHED Physical Education Y
PHIL Philosophy Y
PHYS Physics Y
PLGL Paralegal Studies N
PMC Process Management Certificate N
PMP Project Management N
POGO Policy and Government Y
POLI Political Science (1960s) N
POLS Political Science (1960s) N
PORT Portuguese Y
PPLS Payroll Professional N
PRLS Parks, Recreation & Leisure St Y
PROV Provost Y
PRVW Preview Course Y
PSCI Physical Sciences Y
PSTS Psychology Statistics Workshop N
PSYC Psychology Y
PUAD Public Administration Y
PUAF Public Affairs N
PUBP Public Policy Y
RAI Design, Development, and Use N
REAL Real Estate Development Y
RECR Recreation Y
RELI Religious Studies Y
RENE Renewable Energy Y
REUD Real Estate & Urban Developmnt N
RHBS Rehabilitation Science Y
RIMS RIMS-CRMP-FED Preparatory Crse N
RMGT Recreation Management Y
RSCH Research & Scholarship DNU N
RUSS Russian Y
SEED Secondary Education Y
SEOR Systems Engr/Operations Rsrch Y
SMP Social Media Professional N
SMSC Smithsonian-Mason Sch Conserva N
SOAN Soc/Anthro Cross-Disciplinary N
SOCI Sociology Y
SOCW Social Work Y
SOM School of Management Y
SOSC Social Science (Transfer) N
SPAN Spanish Y
SPCH Speech N
SPMT Sport Management Y
SPSY School Psychology Y
SREG Special Registrations N
SRST Sports and Recreation Studies Y
SRTM Sport, Rec & Tourism Mgmt Y
STAM Study of the Americas N
STAT Statistics Y
STMT Strategic Management N
SUSB Sustainability in Exist Bldgs N
SWE Software Engineering Y
SWSE Software Systems Engineering N
SYST System Engineering Y
TAIT VSE Tech Advance N
TAMT VSE Tech Advance Med Tech N
TAX Taxation N
TCOM Telecommunications Y
TECH Computer Network Technology N
TECM Technology Management Y
TELE Telecommunications Policy N
THR Theater Y
TOUR Tourism and Events Management Y
TURK Turkish Y
UNIV University Studies Y
USE Urban Systems Engineering N
USST Urban and Suburban Studies Y
UTIT UTIT Information Technology N
VAG American Government (UVA) N
VAVS VSE Virtual Academy N
VBIO Biology (UVA) N
VCOM Commerce (UVA) N
VDRW Drawing (UVA) N
VEGR Engineering (UVA) N
VENG English (UVA) N
VFRE French (UVA) N
VGEO Geology (UVA) N
VGER German (UVA) N
VGS Geographic Studies (UVA) N
VHIS History (UVA) N
VIET Vietnamese N
VIRL International Relations (UVA) N
VIT Visual Information Technology N
VME Mechanical Engineering (UVA) N
VMSC Miscellaneous (UVA) N
VMTH Mathematics (UVA) N
VPHE Physical Education (UVA) N
VPHY Physics (UVA) N
VPOL Political Science (UVA) N
VPSY Psychology (UVA) N
VREL Religion (UVA) N
VSE Volgenau School of Engineering Y
VSOC  Sociology (UVA) N
WCON Washington Consortium N
WKCM Workplace Communications N
WMST Women & Gender Studies Y
WPS Workplace Strategist N
ZREG Special Registration N

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