Scheduling Standards
Immediate challenge: Respond to decrease in roster of university classrooms in Fall 2012. This is owing to unforeseen circumstances in the concurrent closing of Science and Tech 2 and the Fine Arts Building for renovation. Goal is to establish standards for spreading out daytime classes and moving some evening undergraduate sections to allow Fall 2012 scheduling to be successful despite the reduced classroom supply.
A sub-group of the Classroom Advisory Committee (CAC) worked together to propose scheduling standards that would support appropriate distribution of classes throughout the day and assure available evening teaching slots especially for graduate programs. Our goals were to arrive at a small set of understandable and fair standards that would allow us to meet these goals with equal effort among colleges. The CAC will track this distribution at the college level at its semi-monthly meetings.
These standards have been tentatively approved by Provost Peter Stearns on November 3, 2011 and should be used as Fall 2012 departmental scheduling requests are finalized. One important goal is to allow departments to schedule initially in a manner that will allow all sections to be scheduled on the first pass, without voluminous follow-up requests to change class times because of gridlock. Thanks to all department Scheduling Coordinators for your assistance in meeting these standards.
Goal |
Scheduling Standard |
Increase late afternoon scheduling |
AFTERNOON DISTRIBUTIONDepartment sections scheduled in university classrooms on MW or TR at 1:30-2:45 pm must not exceed sections scheduled on MW or TR at 3:00-4:15 pm. |
Decrease scheduling of undergraduate sections in the evening to allow for scheduling more graduate classes |
EVENING DISTRIBUTIONAt the college-level, only 45% of total sections scheduled after 4:30pm in university classrooms may be undergraduate. (Note this is the only standard that is monitored at the college level.) |
Increase Friday usage |
FRIDAY DISTRIBUTIONDepartment sections scheduled before 4:30 pm in university classrooms MW must not exceed sections scheduled on MWF and Friday Only (day or evening). |
Increase earlier morning scheduling |
MORNING DISTRIBUTIONDepartment sections scheduled in university classrooms at 10:30 am must not exceed sections scheduled before 10:30 am. |
Balance TR and MWF usage throughout the week |
WEEKLY DISTRIBUTIONDepartment sections scheduled in university classrooms before 4:30 pm on TR cannot exceed number scheduled on MW, MWF, and F only. |
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