Curriculum Management (CIM)

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Permissions required for all. Contact your college catalog contact for questions regarding access to CIM and/or the review site for the next catalog edition.

What Is CIM?

A comprehensive software module which places the entire update process for Course and Program inventory into a web-based form which can be accessed from anywhere and on any device.

  • Imports course information directly from Banner and pre-populates the form.
  • Assigns workflow without human intervention.
  • Identifies all impacted courses and programs based on the requested change.
  • Tracks edits and comments.
  • Generates custom PDFs and/or interactive agendas for committee meetings.
  • Updates Banner and the catalog (CAT) once a proposal completes the assigned workflow.
  • Sends notifications to designated users within workflow at various steps in the process.
  • Retains historical archive.


All faculty/staff who regularly make changes to their department’s course or program inventory may request access to CIM. If you are unsure about your eligibility or the training procedure for your college, check with your college catalog contact.

  • Need further assistance?
    • Please contact our team at


Contact your college catalog contact with all questions related to CIM.