Enrollment Certification


Mason has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide enrollment and degree verifications.

Enrollment Verification Certificates provide the following information:

  • Enrollment status/dates
  • Expected graduation date

Enrollment certification certificates can be used for insurance companies, scholarships, prospective employment, military identification cards, and proof of enrollment for other purposes.

Enrollment verification certificate’s may be attached to any form provided by a third party and returned directly to the requester.

Request Verification


Log into Patriot Web

  1. Select the Student Services tab.
  2. Select Student Records and then
  3. Select Order Enrollment Verification.
  4. You will then be connected to the NSC Student Self-Service Site.


Log into Myhub

If it is your first time logging into Myhub you will need to Create an Account you will be required to set up Multifactor Authentication

  1. Enter George Mason University in college name
  2. Login using your Mason Netid and Password, using your LinkedIn or Google account.
  3. Select Self Service
  4. Select George Mason University
  5. Select the Download Certificate option to obtain an Advanced Registration certificate, a Current Enrollment certificate, All Enrollment Certificate

Please Note: prior to the term start date the Advanced Registration option may show enrollment updates not reflected with the Current enrollment option.


Employers should go directly to the NSC to request degree verifications.